Henrik Leander Evers – DURAARK http://duraark.eu Durable Architectural Knowledge Thu, 17 May 2018 15:19:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.4.23 Hybrid Registrations Student Workshop on 3d scan and analysis methods http://duraark.eu/hybrid-registrations-3d-scan-and-analysis-methods/ http://duraark.eu/hybrid-registrations-3d-scan-and-analysis-methods/#respond Mon, 12 Jan 2015 09:58:23 +0000 http://duraark.eu/?p=1308 Hybrid Registrations - FredricaPatriciaAny architectural design task requires inspiration and information. 3D scanning provides an overload of this information. The current challenge is however to find ways into the raw data for architectural design. New approaches for this are developed within the DURAARK project and give rise to workshops with students at KADK. These speculative and hands-on workshops help to evaluate the developed tools and techniques and create new research directions.The workshop Hybrid Registrations investigated how to extract relevant and precise information in order to build arguments for design, and how to use the overload of information as a resource for inspiration and design exploration. The students in the workshop were pursuing both directions.

Link to KADK CITA – Hybrid Registrations


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DURAARK – BETA tester for Faro WebshareCloud http://duraark.eu/duraark-beta-tester-for-faro-websharecloud/ http://duraark.eu/duraark-beta-tester-for-faro-websharecloud/#respond Fri, 30 Aug 2013 12:57:33 +0000 http://duraark.eu/?p=575 20130830_DTU_WebshareCloud

DURAARK are now BETA tester for Faro WebshareCloud, which is a webbased application for sharing and collaborating on 3D scanned point clouds. With this service its possible to share your otherwise heavy scan projects consisting of millions of points over the internet, and collaborating through annotations and measurements with your teams.

DURAARK will continuously upload 3D scan projects publicly to DURAARK’s WebshareCloud, where you will be able to walk through the buildings and test out the 20130830_Kronborg_Websharesystem.

As said this is a BETA version and has it’s default at the moment. Therefore it is also possible to see DURAARK scan projects on a serverbased Webshare with thanks to ATS AB. Go to http://ats.se:8080 and use these log in informations. User: KADK and Pass: 3Dats!D0314


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