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March 2015

DURAARK and Digital Reconstruction

Last week, DURAARK coordinator Stefan Dietze participated in two workshops organised by the Herder Institute in Marburg, Germany. A workshop on 17 March, attended by roughly 60 experts from architecture, historical sciences and computer sciences, was dedicated to the use of semantic web and linked data in the context of …


DURAARK@5th Conference “Digitale Bibliothek”

On february 24th 2015 Martin Hecher from Fraunhofer Austria was presenting DURAARK on the conference “Digitale Bibliothek” (Digital Library) in Graz. The conference was dedicated to the motto “Unser digitales Gedächtnis” (Our Digital Memory). The conference was organized by the “Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Graz” and  “Europeana Local Austria”. More information about …



On sunday 1st of mach 2015 DURAARK was part of the austrian science broadcasting “matrix – computer & neue medien” on OE1. “Die Angst vor dem digitalen Verlust – Langzeitarchivierung” (The fear of digital loss – long term preservation) was one of the two main topics.  Eva Eggeling from Fraunhofer …

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