TUE – Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

The Design Systems Group is a chair within the Department of the Built Environment (renamed from Department of Architecture, Building and Planning in 2011) at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE). The Design Systems group researches and develops novel ICT methods, tools, interfaces, and decision support systems in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management (AEC/FM) domains. Its research areas spans Computer Aided Design, Building Information Modelling, Artificial Intelligence, Human Behaviour Simulation, applied Computer Graphics and domain specific Human Computer Interaction including Virtual and Augmented Reality. The group is currently composed of five full time researchers and lecturers and seven PhD students (2012). The group is part of the Design and Decision Support Systems research school (DDSS) composed of 9 universities from 7 countries.

The teaching curriculum not only deals with traditional CA(A)D and BIM education on both Bachelor and Master levels, but also educates students to become Building Information Technologists connecting the Building and Construction Industry with the ITC sector.

Members of the Design Systems Group are active in international scientific organizations such as CAAD Futures, eCAADe, and CIB W78. The group has organised and hosted CAAD Futures 2001, DRN 2005, 2000, and 1995, DEN 1997, eCAADe 1993, and together with the Urban Planning group is involved with the DDSS bi‐annual conference series since 1992. It was the host of the Design, Computing and Cognition conference in 2006.

Link to TUE website>

Contact person at TUE: Jakob Beetz, e-mail: j.beetz[AT]tue.nl

Participants in the DURAARK project
TUE_Jakob_Beetz  TUE_Thomas_Krijnen TUE_Qingin_Long
Jakob Beetz Thomas Krijnen Qinqin Long
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