Sustainable Building Information Workshop 12. November 2014 – Copenhagen

Have you identified problems in keeping your valuable 3D Building Models usable in the future? You are invited to participate in the “Sustainable Building Information Workshop”, where the EU project DURAARK would like to discuss possible solutions for this with you. This is an opportunity to learn from practitioners and researchers in order to make your management of Building Information future proof and influence the direction of research.


The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation  – Copenhagen | Denmark
CITA | Centre for Information Technology and Architecture


The ongoing shift in the operation, design, documentation and construction of buildings from separated working practices to interconnected digital processes points towards the emergence of a digital lifecycle of building information. With an ever growing amount and level of detail in building related information residing in web-based systems a new level of collaboration is achieved. Even though Building Information data is becoming the backbone of the profession, it can simultaneously be observed that the possibility to access stored architectural data is often disappearing only a few years after its creation. The result is a loss of invested capital, knowledge and high future costs, when existing building mass has to be reassessed for future maintenance or re-purposing tasks. The question of how to organize and maintain access to valuable building information in the future poses a major challenge for the building profession of today.

This challenge needs to be addressed by establishing work processes and IT-systems that allow the profession to store architectural data over the long term in order to keep it available for assessment, inquiry and editing.

The Sustainable Building Information workshop on November 12th 2014 in Copenhagen aims to facilitate an exchange between stakeholders from institutional building owners and researchers on approaches that will provide a long-term usability to the currently short lived building related digital data.




A future lifecycle of building data will need to include and integrate components that stem from operational systems – such as Facility Management Software – as original BIM data.




Aim and Approach of the workshop

The Sustainable Building Information workshop brings together researchers and stakeholders that have a vested interest in maintaining long-term access to building information. The event is organized by the DURAARK project (DURAble ARchitectural Knowledge), a collaborative European research project which is developing methods and tools for the semantic enrichment, digital curation and long-term preservation of architectural knowledge and data. The concepts and prototypes developed within the DURAARK project will be introduced during the event. More information on the project can be found under .

The aim of the workshop is to exchange knowledge and experience on processes and practices for the long term handling of architectural data, as they are emerging in the field of Facility management, building documentation systems and cultural heritage. Common experiences and approaches will be highlighted and challenges and future steps towards a sustainable practice of building information will be  discussed. The gained insights shall help participants in their daily work with 3D building information and simultaneously aid the DURAARK project in ensuring that developed methods and tools meet practitioners’ needs.


Structure of the day

The day is structured around introductions to and reports about the state of research and practice of maintaining understandability and usability to digital data over long periods of time. The presentations highlight general challenges as well as solutions on the organizational and technological levels of long-term archiving related processes and systems. Presentations are given by practitioners on their institutions’ implementations and procedures as well as by researchers on the state of the art knowledge on the processes within their respective field. In breakout sessions workshop participants will investigate their individual data handling practices and processes in groups and discuss how these can be extended to  better meet needs in improving and maintaining long-term access.

The approaches and challenges that were identified over the day are discussed in a final session. This discussion shall contribute to a more general understanding of necessary structures, techniques and systems to maintain long-term access to architectural data.

Workshop Organizers

The workshop is organized within the DURAARK project by:

  • Matin Tamke, Centre for Information Technology and Architecture, Denmark
  • Michelle Lindlar, Leibniz University Hannover / TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology, Germany
  • Dag Fjeld Edvardsen, Catenda AS, Norway
  • Ă–sten Jonsson, LuleĂĄ University of technology / Centre for Long-term Digital Preservation, Sweden
  • Jacob Beetz, Eindhoben University, Netherlands

The Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) will be hosting the event at the The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation.



The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation (KADK) Philip de Langes AllĂ© 10 1435 Copenhagen K, Denmark. The meeting will take place in the auditoria 6 of the school. KADK – Entrance J Danneskjold-Samsøes AllĂ© 53.


For registration and questions – please send an email to martin.tamke


Schedule and agenda

11 November 2014

20.00 Informal get-together during dinner at a restaurant in Copenhagen (BioMio/Vesterbro/ Copenhagen)

12 November 2014

9.00 – Coffee and registration
9.15 – Intro to the day, the participants and the general questions, Martin Tamke, Centre for Information Technology and Architecture  (CITA)
9.25 – Personal intro of the participants

Session 1: Approaches

10.00 – Future challenges: the shift to external web resources and their consequences for the architectural profession – The DURAARK approach –Eindhoven University of Technology (Jacob Beetz, TUE)
10.25 – Geometric Enrichment of Building Data (Martin Tamke, CITA, Richard Vock UBO)
10.30 – Sustainable data practices – state of research in long-term archiving of Building Information Data – Intro to approaches, organization and technical systems – The German National Library of Science and Technology (Michelle Lindlar, TIB)
10.40 Question and Answers/Discussion

11.00 Coffee

Session 2: Data Practices

11.20 –Mapping the building stock of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Property (Emil Bisgaard Mortensen, Københavns Ejendomme )
11.40 – Managing the Building stock on university scale, Danish Technical University (Markus Lampe, DTU)
12.00 – Q+A Discussion

13.00 Lunch

Session 3: System architectures

13.40 – Systems to manage building data – (Torben Dalgaard/Denmark, DaLux)
13.55 – Systems to manage building data – (Ole Kristian Kvarsvik / Norway, dRofus)
14.10 –  Systems to Collaborate- bimsync – (Dag Fjeld Edvardsen / Norway, Catenda)
14.10 – Approaches to long-term archiving systems – The DURAARK approach  (Thomas Krijnen, The Netherlands, TUE)

Breakout sessions

14.45 Work sessions in groups: processes, techniques, implementation, steps forward


16.45 Presentation of group results, summary and general discussion

17.45 Expected End

For further questions – please send an email to martin.tamke

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