DURAARK work makes an impression at ISWC 2014!
DURAARK research was represented at the 13th International Semantic Web Conference, the premier Semantic Web Conference {http://iswc2014.semanticweb.org/}. This year the conference took place at Riva del Garda in Italy (19-23 October, 2014)
Amidst a beautiful landscape encompassing mountains and a scenic lake, L3S researchers took the opportunity to showcase research work emerging from the Work Package 3 regarding the Semantic Enrichment of IFC files. One of the posters presented an Iterative Linked Dataset Crawler, developed in order to extract relevant and useful contextual information from the Linked Open Data Cloud. In this work we proposed a system that iteratively crawls and captures the evolution of linked datasets based on flexible crawl definitions.
The second poster titled, “Extracting Architectural Patterns from Web Data” went on to win the BEST POSTER award at ISWC 2014 [http://iswc2014.semanticweb.org/node/93] after being well received during an enjoyable and elaborate poster session. This work introduces an interesting approach to mine architectural patterns based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of Web Data. Perception based data can be used to enrich IFC files semantically through additional contexts.
Riva Del Garda
These works are thoroughly discussed within the WP3 deliverables, D3.3 and D3.4.
Feel free to give it a read!
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