Joint workshop on Linked Data in Architecture and Construction -‐ LDAC 2014
Together with colleagues from the Aalto University, University of Ghent, and AEC3, members of the DURAARK team co-organize the
Joint workshop on Linked Data in Architecture and Construction -‐ LDAC 2014
(2 nd LDAC Workshop & 6 th eeSemantics VoCamp)
to be held
May 26-‐27, 2014
Aalto University and Tekla
Espoo, Finland
From the call for Participation:
“The topic of this event is why and how to use the Web of Data technologies for building information management. The interest to this question arises from the expected benefits such as the ability to easily link building information models to and from external data sources, to open the models to new use cases and applications, to enable truly decentralized publication of models, to support loosely coupled interoperation through cross-‐model linking, and to utilize reasoning and other services developed in Semantic Web research. The topic is studied from two different perspectives: The VoCamp will focus on use cases and vocabularies for the Web of Building Data, and the LDAC workshop will study the technical solutions”
The full call can be downloaded here
You can register to the event without a fee using this form until May 11.
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